San Diego view out my window
Do you get glimpses of seeing yourself doing what you truly love? Then, like a sun setting it disappears and you go back to doing the same ‘ol thing?
Looking back, I’ve lost count of my ‘ah-ha’ moments that went down with the sun. Day dreaming, at a very young age in class and through my life I would get glimpses of seeing myself teaching. Such a big, bright and beautiful dream didn’t seem possible back then.
Typing this while gazing out the window of my hotel in San Diego, watching sailboats cruise by ~ on the tenth anniversary of doing what I love, living my dream ~ I still pinch myself. I did it!
I believe you can too!
Turning back the clock…. My parents encouraged me to finish High School and get a j-o-b. So, that’s what I did. And then I did the next best thing – Never – ever – stop dreaming.
I became a curious, life-long learner. After my day job, I sought out and attended the newest, cutting edge classes and trainings. I thought if I could learn something well enough, I could teach it. And if I could teach it, I could keep learning.
When one teaches, two learn.
In 1976, I attended my first yoga class at the YWCA in downtown Winnipeg. It was a one time deal. Ten people, ten dollars, ten weeks. At the time, yoga was on the fringe. I practiced daily and within a month was doing head stands. I loved yoga.
Intrigued, I wanted more. I read a book on Transcendental Meditation (TM). In a Forbes article “Transcendental Meditation Makes A Comeback” only 4% of N. Americans were doing TM back in the late 1970s. I guess I was one of the 4%. For me both Yoga and TM helped to gently dissolve long held traumas from childhood. They were both helpful short term solutions.
I would have loved to teach yoga, or TM or any of the weird and wacky modalities I found so interesting. Instead, my dream stayed ‘tight in the bud’. I did not share my dream with anyone. Not friends. Not family. Worst of all, I hid my dream from myself.
Is this resonating? Sound like your story too?
Then… ‘life happened ….At 24 I got married, had a beautiful baby boy, continued working my way up the corporate ladder, moved a dozen times, got divorced, moved more times, got remarried, moved more times. So many responsibilities. So many distractions! Year after year, I was living other people’s dreams. What a shame!
Well finally, at the age of 50, when once again my ah-ah of being a teacher came up and began to vanish, I decided – NO. It’s ‘now or never’. I searched and searched and searched until I found what I was seeking for over 40 years – took a risk and launched my business as a trainer! Yipee!!
Ah-ha moments are like sunsets. They take your breath away, open your imagination, and inspire you to Dream Big!
What about you? What’s your dream? Post below…you will be sharing with a person who cares and truly wants you to succeed.
Do you have a dream to live a different life? Start your own business? Or change a relationship and don’t feel you have what it takes? Have you found your passion and want to make it come true? Or do you want to find out what is your ‘true calling’ in life?
The practices that I use have helped me make my dream come true, and I want to share them with you ~ so you can make your dream come true too! Join me in Winnipeg, June 2018 for the next NLP Practitioner Certification course. Come and learn the practical tools you need to get out of your own way and get started on living your dream life now!
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