NLP Practitioner Vancouver Feb 2019-2The field of NLP is like a forest, rich with many tree varieties from seeds planted nearly fifty years ago.

People today love exploring and experiencing NLP in different ways. Using a forest as a metaphor, some people like to run through the forest, focused on the end result, not aware of, nor curious about the trees. Getting from trailhead to the end as fast as possible is their main goal.

Some people walk leisurely, enjoying the physical experience, aromas, sounds of crackling branches, mesmerized by the motion of leaves spinning in the wind. Having a rich sensory experience where they can discover something outside their conscious awareness is their desired outcome. 

And others enter the forest in a deeply curious state. In a state of heightened awareness they feel the compactness of the ground under their feet with a desire to discover what is below the surface. Where, when and how did the seeds plant themselves and grow into the forest it is today.

What the forest visitor pays attention to changes depending on their intention. 

To satiate your curiosity about the seeds carried on the winds of change from the 1970s that landed on the fertile soil of personal development and coaching many decades ago, I am sharing an article written by my dear friend and colleague, Michael Carroll

The Impeccable Inception – the birth of NLP 
Grinder and Bandler, How Their Unique Traits Merged to Create a Global Phenomenon

Read the article here



Jacquie Nagy is the only Canadian based Certified New Code NLP™ Trainer and Coach who offers NLP Practitioner Certification Courses on behalf of John Grinder, Carmen Bostic St Clair and Michael Carroll, NLP Academy, UK. 

Are you curious about learning NLP? Join us for NLP Core Skills for Personal Excellence in 2024 – More details here