white wood covered with frost frosty landscape

Black Friday is about the exchange of goods for money and a healthy dose of ‘retail therapy’. The thrill of getting the best deal followed by high fives from friends and family celebrating each other’s latest ‘win’. “You got it for how much?” “Way to go!” More high fives…Bliss!

Soon after, the thrill of the chase wanes. The hit of dopamine subsides. The desire to get it back starts the process once again ending sometime between the frenzy of Boxing Day door crashers and the chime of the clock at midnight. For some people the exchange of goods for money becomes an addiction. This is when retail therapy takes on a whole new meaning.

What if you could enjoy the thrill of getting the best deal – without spending a dollar, or a day of your precious time?

In Joseph Campbell’s Hero’s Journey he talks about following your bliss versus focusing on material things and money.

“If you follow your bliss, you will always have your bliss, money or not. If you follow money, you may lose it, and you will have nothing.”
~ Joseph Campbell

There are seven steps of The Hero’s Journey. Each step is similar to a trip to the mall for some retail therapy except for step seven – much different!

7 Steps of The Hero’s Journey on Black Friday

  1. The Calling – The email with subject line: Black Friday Deals!
  2. The Denial – NO! I don’t need anything!
  3. Meeting the Mentor – Your best friend texting “Did you see the email?”
  4. Crossing the Threshold – You arrive at the mall.
  5. The Ordeal – Tests, Allies, Enemies – The line ups, elbows, screaming children, lack of bathrooms, bumper to bumper traffic. Yet you press on! Nothing is going to stop you from getting that last whatever it is you’re after. You make it back to your car in one piece a bit frazzled but who cares! You got the ‘thing’ you came for and that’s what counts!
  6. The Return with the Elixir – As you drive home exhausted, you begin to question your decision to spend the entire day all to save a couple of dollars on something you really didn’t need. However, like the Hero in the Hero’s Journey you are compelled to return home with the elixir in order to renew your community.
  7. Freedom to Live – well here’s where the similarity dissolves into thin air especially when the credit card bill arrives. This stage of the Hero’s Journey is about ‘living in the moment’, neither fretting about the past nor worrying about the future. Living freely, authentically, with embodied presence. Moving with ease, and a sense of grace, released of the blocks that once bound them in an unauthentic way of being.

The Hero’s Journey compared to the exchange of goods for money and waiting for the next sale is quite a different story indeed.

Which kind of journey are you on?

Do you feel stuck living every day waiting for the next Black Friday? Or would you rather live every day in state of bliss?  

Are you ready to make this year your year of personal discovery, transformation, and growth so you can live a more meaningful and purposeful life in alignment with your highest intentions and Live Your Bliss?

Join me on the next NLP Practitioner Training certification course

Click this link to secure your space on the next course.

Begin your journey to living in a steady state of bliss today

To Your Success,

Creator of Graceful Autonomy™ – Tangible Practices to Be Courageously Confident, Congruent, & Autonomous!

Jacquie Nagy
International ITANLP Trainer & Coach
Professional Speaker – CAPS Manitoba
Creator Graceful Autonomy™
Certified Adult Educator (CAE)
Art of Feminine Presence™ Teacher
Holistic Directions Inc.
Winnipeg, Mb.

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