Life Mastery Blog
Are you seriously committed to creating a major change in your life?

Are you ready to realize your full potential?
2025... The year of new challenges AND potential of new beginnings. Hope for a more peaceful, prosperous, and loving world. Scholars are making global predictions. CEOs are creating strategic plans. Sages are reading horoscopes. All with the intention of shifting...

6 Practices for Making Small Shifts as You Prepare for Big Changes
Love it or not, change is necessary for growth. Change creates leverage for increasing the quality of life we live. Without frequent updates career advancements pass by; gardens wither; and relationships fizzle out. “When you’re finished changing, you’re finished.” ~...

3 Reasons Coaching Doesn’t Work Long Term… and what you can do starting now so it does
For the most part coaches have a common intention... helping people reach their highest potential. Yet, intention alone does not create long lasting transformative results. From my 15 years coaching and training coaches I have discovered three reasons coaching doesn't...

6 Practices for Making Small Shifts as You Prepare for Big Changes
Love it or not, change is necessary for growth. Change creates leverage for increasing the quality of life we live. Without frequent updates career advancements pass by; gardens wither; and relationships fizzle out. “When you’re finished changing, you’re finished.” ~...

The birth of NLP…from seeds to full bloom
The field of NLP is like a forest, rich with many tree varieties from seeds planted nearly fifty years ago. People today love exploring and experiencing NLP in different ways. Using a forest as a metaphor, some people like to run through the forest, focused on the end...

You are Not an Imposter
The Tyranny of Imposter Syndrome in High Achievers by Michael Carroll Do you often feel as if you are an outsider in your own life and your accomplishments are not yours? Do you question your successes and feel as if your achievements are somewhat shallow and...

From Black to Bliss This Friday
Black Friday is about the exchange of goods for money and a healthy dose of ‘retail therapy’. The thrill of getting the best deal followed by high fives from friends and family celebrating each other’s latest ‘win’. “You got it for how much?” “Way to go!” More high...

Does Self Coaching Really Work?
Seriously.. does self coaching really work? Let's first consider the following universal principle... We all start life in the role of coachee and at some point in our lives we develop the skills to coach others. As parents, children, friends, partners,...

The Art of Reciprocity
Ever receive a surprise gift, or last minute invitation to a party or event? How do you respond? For me I immediately think WOW! and say, "Thank you so much for thinking of me!" I liken a surprise gift to walking in a forest and discovering a sparkling stream or...

Intangibles… Secrets to a Healthy & Happy Life
Are the people you spend the most time with vastly different than you? Or much the same? Same? No surprise! We feel instantly connected to people who share the same tangibles. What we can see, hear and feel... birthplace and cities we lived in, schools we attended,...
Are you living someone else’s dream?
Disconnected with your true self and don’t know what you want? You are not alone.