Beautiful Abstract flying Dandelion seeds

Love it or not, change is necessary for growth. Change creates leverage for increasing the quality of life we live. Without frequent updates career advancements pass by; gardens wither; and relationships fizzle out.

“When you’re finished changing, you’re finished.” ~ Benjamin Franklin

In some situations, good is good enough. Mediocrity is fairly easy to achieve by repeating patterns, over and over and over. 

Creating higher quality experiences demands an entirely different mindset. Knowing when to relax into the mundane and when to risk changing is the key.

Who are you when it comes to change? Are you like a willow tree, flexible and quick to respond? Or, the mighty oak, slow growing and steadfast?

Change won’t happen by repeating the same patterns day in, day out. Our brains love to repeat patterns. Patterns are like dominoes toppling. Stopping the first domino creates a choice point that opens a pathway to change. Inserting a new habit before that first domino is triggered requires a radical shift. You can start with making minor shifts in everyday practices.

Here’s my “6 Practices for Making Small Shifts as You Prepare for Big Changes”:

  1. Shift Into New Energies:

Change disrupts body balance. Prepare your body for the disruption by tapping into your optimum energy cycles. Record the times of day you feel physically and mentally your best. Schedule time during this time of day to explore making changes.

  1. Shift Into New Actions:

Stop avoiding the most difficult tasks. Eat the frog first. Brian Tracy says “Your frog should be the most difficult thing on your ‘to do list’.” Identify the frogs in your life, then ask “what’s stopping you?” from eating the frogs first?

  1. Shift Into New Patterns:

Research using rats indicated that a learned pattern remains in the brain circuitry even after the behavior is extinguished. Rather than trying to stop an existing habit, find five or six new ways to achieve your outcome. 

  1. Shift Into New Responses:

Behaviours are learned responses to external influences. Virginia Satir, American psychologist said, “The problem is not the problem. It’s how you respond to the problem that’s the problem”. Set time aside daily to practice responding differently.

  1. Shift Into New Experiences:

Stop thinking and start doing. Seek new experiences. Every new experience is a quantum leap forward.

  1. Shift Into New Finishes:

Congratulations! You read to the end. Finishing what you start creates a neurological shift. Each completed step closes the neurological loop that was opened when your plan was put in action. Repetitively closing one door and opening the next one creates momentum, a powerful force of intrinsic energy that will support you through the big changes you are making. 

Ready to make big changes in your life? Join us on the next NLP Practitioner Course starts March 9, 2024. Early booking ends midnight February 19, 2024. Secure your space today.
Join us on the next NLP Practitioner Course starts March 9, 2024. Early booking Secure your space now.

