woman thinking noteFor the most part coaches have a common intention… helping people reach their highest potential. Yet, intention alone does not create long lasting transformative results.

From my 15 years coaching and training coaches I have discovered three reasons coaching doesn’t work long term:

1. Not coaching in the same system as the problem. Most coaching uses consciously driven approaches which are not in the same system as where the blocks are stored – the unconscious.

2. Retriggering. Coaching achieves temporary relief; however, over time clients find themselves retriggered by external sounds, sights or internal representations, dialogue, and/or memories.

3. Using coaching models/methods not ‘specifically designed’ for self application. People often reach a point when resources to receive more coaching run dry and they don’t have tangible ways to coach themselves. So they get stuck and often stay stuck without the resources to move past the block (other than paying for more coaching).

The good news is New Code NLP coaching models (that I use with my clients and teach other coaches) provide solid solutions:

      • Tangible practices to work directly with the unconscious to heal, integrate and generate new resources.
      • Processes to activate the unconscious to take responsibility for the change immediately and into the future context where the triggers exist.
      • Innovative processes to coach yourself. Create an inner ‘team’ to resolve conflict, activate optimal states of grounded presence, flow, and high performance; and set goals in alignment. Live by design – live your dream life!

Now I know this may be resonating with you as an individual who has worked with a coach and the change didn’t stick, or as a coach yourself who wants to close these gaps in your working with your clients.

Let me introduce something super exciting to you both! EMERGENT NEW CODE NLP training starting May 12 – 19, 2024

This training course is going to give you a set of tools unlike anything else in the coaching field. Every day on the course, you will be learning, experiencing and practicing models of change that are designed so exquisitely the transformations are generative and long lasting.

Join us either online or in person at Emergent New Code NLP for Coaching Excellence training.




P.s. If you are new to NLP, contact me to find out how you can join this stunning training experience.  Book a call WITH ME today