3 C's of Success... That Can Also Create Self-Sabotage!

As you know, our theme at Holistic Directions is on providing practical tools to stop living other people’s dreams, so you can focus on living yours!

As a keen observer of people, I’ve noticed three things that unconsciously create both success and at the same time can self-sabotage peoples’ dreams. The good news is when you know them you can use them in the opposite way to create success.

Case in point….I met an amazing entrepreneur this week who is living her dream to the max! We met for a chat over coffee. During our short conversation, I carefully listened and observed her modeling three qualities that I recognize in myself, as well as an impressive portfolio of clients and excellent presentation skills. And, while we have some differences in our personalities and businesses, we also have some commonalities. We both know what we want in life, we both take action on the important things – and – we both never give up!

“Never give up trying to build the world you can see, even if others can’t see it. Listen to your drum and your drum only. It’s the one that makes the sweetest sound.”
~Simon Sinek

*** She new what she wanted. She took action. She never gives up! AND she had the 3C’s. Please stay with me and keep reading! ***

Do you have certain clarity of your dream? Are you taking action and vowing to never give up? Fabulous! Keep doing what you’re doing!

If however, you spend time over-thinking and doing only minimal action mainly due to feeling afraid, confused, or over-whelmed – you may be missing the 3C’s.

Or… if you’re living with a constant feeling of wanting to make a change and don’t know what you want to do – again, you may be missing the 3C’s.

So what are the 3C’s?

Looking back on your life to situations when you were successful, I’ll wager:
You didn’t think too long about taking action – you just did it. You felt confident!
You said what you meant, and meant what you said. You felt congruent!
You were seen by others as the ‘go to’ person. You felt credible!

That’s right…The 3C’s are:
Confidence – Congruence – Credibility

Conversely, if you’re currently feeling quite the opposite what matters most right now is NOT how you’re feeling. As I’m going to teach you how to build confidence, congruence and credibility for yourself using methods from NLP designed to ‘stick’. What matters most right now is that you have a strong desire to improve the quality of your life or business and you’re willing to take a quantum leap forward as quickly as possible to make a change.

How many times have you asked yourself…

  • Why is it you find yourself confident in some situations and surprisingly lose your confidence in others?
  • How can you live your life as a confident person? So you don’t have to think about being confident – you just are!
  • How important is being congruent? Can’t you simply ‘fake it ‘til you make it’?
  • How can you become credible when what you’re doing is new and you’re not entirely familiar with all the aspects or not 100% skilled at it?
  • And with all the things that need to happen on a daily basis, how can you stay focused on developing these qualities?

I appreciate you are different. Every person wants different things in life. Everyone is at a different stage on their journey. Wherever you are, do not overlook the importance of developing the 3C’s as they are absolutely key to your success. They may sound simple. Trust me, they’re NOT as easy as you think.

If you’re not living your dream life, are self-sabotaging your success and are ready to take a quantum leap forward as quickly as possible….

Check out what Neuro-Linguistic Programming Training can do for you!

And if you’re not on my email list – why not get on the list now so you don’t miss out on receiving the reminders and tons of other great FREE stuff like ’11 Top Tools to Life Success’ download when you sign up.

To your success,















