
You have a dream. I have a dream. Our neighbours, co-workers, clients, family members, and friends – we all want to be living our own dreams. Dreaming even bigger than our own dreams is where living your dream impacts the lives of others in a positive way – a beautifully audacious Dream Beyond the Dream!

Some people are already living their dream. Maybe it’s you. YAY! Way to go!

However, many people are not. In fact most people are not only not living their dream, they’re living someone else’s dream.

Dreams come in many shapes and sizes. It could be working in a job where you get to use your natural talents and feel truly valued. Some people dream of living abroad, climbing a mountain, sailing the seas. It could be retiring and gifting your time to family, your community or a non-profit. Or by starting your own business doing what you absolutely love doing as a coach, trainer, or professional speaker.

“You’ve achieved success in your field when you don’t know whether what you’re doing is work or play.”   Warren Beatty

The difference between people who are living their dreams and those who aren’t, is not whether their dream is more practical, or worthy, or doable. And it’s not about luck, or money, or connections.

It goes much, much deeper…

The difference between people living their dream compared to those that are living someone else’s, is making a commitment to following the direction of their heart.

“The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.” Eleanor Roosevelt

The people living their dream listen to their own wisdom and work in partnership with that deeper part of themselves. The part that whispers during quiet moments. The part that sends gentle nudges, reminders and signals to pay attention! The authentic part deep inside that says, “I’m here. Are you ready to work together now?”

Our theme at Holistic Directions for 2018 is ‘Never Give Up On Living Your Dream!’ The entire year’s focus is on providing you tools, coaching support and training to help you make your dreams come alive. I’m going to support you every step of the way – from planting the seeds to full bloom.

As you read the list of three steps to help get you started below, select at least one thing you can do today and each day to gently start changing your focus and start paying attention to living your beautiful audacious dream in 2018.

Step #1 – Start your day with a few moments of self-reflection. Immediately upon waking, stay still for several minutes. Feel your body. Place your hand on your heart. Notice the temperature of your breath as you breathe in and out, slowly. Be ready to listen and sense the signals your body will give you. When you feel you are connected with your body, your deeper self, ask yourself “What is my dream?” Wait quietly.

Have paper and pen handy to write down whatever comes up. Repeat this either in the morning, or anytime during the day in a reflective state, when you can be still and quiet.

If you feel you are already living your dream, maybe it’s been a while since you checked in to your deeper self, so you can ask to confirm, “Am I truly living my dream?” Again, listen to your body and heart and write down what comes up.

Applying step #1 will serve you to get started listening to your body’s signals. If you’re looking to go deeper, faster you may want to consider attending the NLP Trainings we offer, where you will learn a tangible practice to ask questions using ‘yes’ and ‘no’ sensory signals. With these signals you can ask concise questions and get answers directly from your unconscious, deeper self. A powerful tool to have in your self-coaching tool kit. If this interests you do get in touch for more information.

Step #2 – Make a list, or create a mind map to write down things you do that are unimportant, frivolous, or wasteful of your time, money and effort. Looking at your list, check in with your deeper self once again and select ONE thing on the list that you feel you would benefit if you were to stop doing it. Let it go.

Repeat this step several times. Two to three times a week if possible. The more you can reduce your physical workload, and thought processing load of things that are distracting you from living the life you want, the easier it will be to introduce something new.

Step #3 – Make another list of things you are already doing, and new things you could be doing, that will support you in either taking action on achieving your dream (if you know what your dream is) or things you can do to help you in discovering your dream.

And now that your schedule is a little lighter from doing step 2, add one of these actions to your ‘to do’ list today.

“All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them.”  Walt Disney

I believe everyone can live their dream. It takes being courageous and boldly take the first step of deciding to do something different. One small step like starting your day with a couple of minutes of self-reflection can set the ball in motion for an entirely new beginning.

Jacquie Nagy is a Professional Speaker, Certified Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) International New Code NLP TRAINER & Coach, Certified Adult Educator (CAE), Art of Feminine Presence™ Teacher, founder Holistic Directions Inc. (2008) and creator of Holistic Self-Coaching™. Jacquie offers personal and professional development workshops, NLP Certification courses and 1:1 private coaching and mentoring for individuals and entrepreneurs internationally and in her home city of Winnipeg, MB, Canada. You can find out more about her speaking, coaching and training services at http://www.holisticdirections.com

Contact Jacquie to Help You Make Your Dreams Come True!

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