Are you sitting on the fence?
Are you sitting on the fence about what training courses and workshops are you going to attend this year?
You know you want to attend some kind of training to help you make a massive change in your life or take your business to the next level. Yet there are so many choices available – you are overwhelmed?
I will confess a few years ago I was a training and workshop ‘junky’. I spent countless hours on free webinars looking for training courses and trainers that would help me close the gaps in my business. I invested thousands in a weekend boot-camp that left me feeling robbed and empty. I even went as far as flying overseas on a quest to get the quality of training I thought I needed for my business only to find out there was excellent training right here, in my own back yard.
Is any of this resonating with you?
If you are feeling overwhelmed by so many options, finding it difficult to decide and so you are not taking action, this week’s Holistic TV is going to give you a 3-step strategy so you can decide more quickly and choose a training course that is best suited for your individual needs.
Watch this short video below to discover what are the common barriers of making a choice when it comes to training courses and workshops. Follow these simple steps and I promise you will be in a better position to select the type and quality of training that is going to get you closer to your personal and professional goals in 2016.
If you still have questions and want to speak to me personally, give me a call or send me an email. I am happy to help!