Excited, delighted, curious is how I felt stepping into the recording studio at CJOB last Sunday to be interviewed by Stephanie Staples, Your Life Unlimited! Stephanie is an empowered woman with a rock solid intention to spread a message of inspiration, insight and ideas for success, empowerment and personal growth to audiences around the world. Check out Stephanie’s blog, sign up for her newsletter on Your Life Unlimited website and catch the recording from Sunday’s show where Stephanie shares an important message about relationships and I give you steps for managing your state during the Holidays.

For many people the Holiday Season is a blast! Fun, Fun, Fun!!

And for many the Holidays are stressful. Trying to get everything ‘right’ and socializing from a place of duty versus desire is NOT fun!

To complicate things, many baby boomers are burdened with caring for their aging parents as well as their own families. It’s easy to see how overwhelm can quickly take root.

If this scenario sounds familiar – you are not alone…

In the article You and Your Aging ParentsBecoming a caregiver to parents involves major changes for all concerned – physically, emotionally, socially and financially. Learning to cope with the changes in a healthy way is important to ensure you and your aging parents can live in a mutually loving and giving relationship.”

A big change happened in my family recently. My 82 year old Father was a strong and independent man all his life. In only months his health declined, he needs daily assistance and has moved into a senior citizen residence. My Dad’s life is very different– as is mine.

As his power of attorney I am responsible to manage his personal and financial affairs. Fortunately, I know how to manage my ‘state’ and can flow through the stress.

What also helps is being authentic, confident and knowing my intention is… I want my Dad to be cared for, secure and content.

What about you? Are you caring for a family member? Or under pressure with increasingly complex and demanding workloads? Whether its family dynamics or a demanding career unless you can learn to manage your bodymind state, your health and wellbeing is at risk.

If you really want to learn more on anchoring, creating bodymind states and self-coaching with NLP you can attend
Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) course in January, 2014.

To create a flow state here are tips from: “Your BodyMind On Stress: Concrete Strategies to Managing Chaos in Your Life and Business”

Four SIMPLE and EASY Steps:

1. Notice when a ‘state’ of stress is coming on. Early physical signs of stress are heart racing, temperature change, sweating, jittery nerves. Notice subtle internal sensations. These sensations are not always in your gut. So pay attention!

2. At the first sign of feeling stressed apply a physiological shift. One of the easiest shifts to remember is to breathe. Create your own rhythmic breathing pattern. The first breath works like an anchor to activate a different ‘state’.

3. Shake the stress off! – Insert a separator state. Think of your day as chunks of many different bodymind states partitioned by a neutral separator state. To create a separator state, shift your spine, shake your body, jump, take a few steps, walk or even run!

4. Activate a new state –and- remember your intention. Think what state do you want? Obviously NOT stressed. It could be relaxed, or calm, focused or motivated or flow…. Change your body to feel like the state you want by changing your spine, facial expression, and any other physical qualities.. Now recall your intention. Say to yourself “I want….” Re-enter the context bringing in your new state and a clear intention.

Quick Tip

With attention on your intention and an ability to change state quickly you can shift into…FLOW.

To Your Success,

Jacquie Nagy

World’s Leading Be Yourself Coach …Confident Living, To Be Authentically You!

Jacquie Nagy is an ITA Certified NLP Trainer, Coach (CBC), Professional Speaker (CAPS), Certified Adult Educator (CAE), and Owner of Holistic Directions Inc.,Winnipeg, Mb. Canada.

Contact Jacquie Nagy: +1 204.480.8667 e-mail jnagy@holisticdirections.com